My Heartiversary!
My Heartiversary!

Happy Heartiversary Lisa!
This makes year sixteen for me! I am a heart attack survivor. I remember that day February 20, 2007 like it was yesterday. Got up to do my normal routine of getting ready for work and getting my daughter (7 years old at the time) ready for school.
I felt some pain but went on getting ready for my day. It felt like heart burn and I just needed one of my granny’s Coca Cola 🙂or I just needed to pass some gas. I went to work and that pain would not go away. I decided that I would just drink some hot tea because that cures everything. I then called my doctor and she advised me to go home and rest and come in at 3pm. Well that pain was unbearable and one of my co-workers said we need to call the ambulance while I was waiting on my mother so that I can go home and rest. No Lisa you need to help now. She said she told me I was having a heart attack, but I heard nothing.
Got in the ambulance and I remember that I just could not keep still so they thought I was having and anxiety attack. Got to the first hospital and the nurse was getting mad because I could not keep still so that she could get my vitals. Next they put me in this huge room and gave me some nitroglycerin under my tongue. Once I got calmed I was then transported to another hospital because the first hospital was not equipped to handle my situation.
Once I got to the other hospital I was then put in this big room with lots of doctor so still not know what was happening. I knew I had to have emergency surgery. They came… and the next thing I was told told “you just had a heart attack” and my response was “OH”. The doctor said that is all you are going to say, my thought was it happened and I cannot take it back. But because I knew and know who holds my hand I was not worried.
I have two stents and I had 100% blockage in my arteries. Why Lisa you ask?
A week prior to having a heart attack I just started using my new birth control, the NUVA RING. I felt the discomfort but I knew that my body had to get used to this new medicine. I also remember asking my doctor if she was sure about this birth control because that year it was some talk about the NUVA RING, she said you will be fine. Well I was on of the 9999999.8 that had a heart attack for the estrogen in that birth control.
The year I was to turn the big 40 and yes I was planning my first big birthday party red carpet and all. God had other plans and other ways for me to celebrate. I still celebrate my new life and how I got another change to share my story and talents with the world. I look at my attack as a wake up call and I was called to serve and help women. I was running from my purpose and God He always knows how to shake things up.
That is how I help women today as the Fabulous Fashionista and the CEO of Favored Fabulous & Fly Boutique LLC. I love fashion and helping women break out of their fashion comfort zone.
Has having a heart attack changed things for me. Yes! I look at things different. I share more and I just live my life in(on) purpose.
I have also learned to listen to my body and get rest when I need to get rest.
Thank you.
Lisa A Parker
Fabulous Fashionista
Heart Attack Survivor
#favfabflyboutiquellc #fabulousfashionista #heartsurvivor #WearRedDay #GoRedDay #HeartAttackSurvivor

Happy Heartiversary Lisa!
This makes year sixteen for me! I am a heart attack survivor. I remember that day February 20, 2007 like it was yesterday. Got up to do my normal routine of getting ready for work and getting my daughter (7 years old at the time) ready for school.
I felt some pain but went on getting ready for my day. It felt like heart burn and I just needed one of my granny’s Coca Cola 🙂or I just needed to pass some gas. I went to work and that pain would not go away. I decided that I would just drink some hot tea because that cures everything. I then called my doctor and she advised me to go home and rest and come in at 3pm. Well that pain was unbearable and one of my co-workers said we need to call the ambulance while I was waiting on my mother so that I can go home and rest. No Lisa you need to help now. She said she told me I was having a heart attack, but I heard nothing.
Got in the ambulance and I remember that I just could not keep still so they thought I was having and anxiety attack. Got to the first hospital and the nurse was getting mad because I could not keep still so that she could get my vitals. Next they put me in this huge room and gave me some nitroglycerin under my tongue. Once I got calmed I was then transported to another hospital because the first hospital was not equipped to handle my situation.
Once I got to the other hospital I was then put in this big room with lots of doctor so still not know what was happening. I knew I had to have emergency surgery. They came… and the next thing I was told told “you just had a heart attack” and my response was “OH”. The doctor said that is all you are going to say, my thought was it happened and I cannot take it back. But because I knew and know who holds my hand I was not worried.
I have two stents and I had 100% blockage in my arteries. Why Lisa you ask?
A week prior to having a heart attack I just started using my new birth control, the NUVA RING. I felt the discomfort but I knew that my body had to get used to this new medicine. I also remember asking my doctor if she was sure about this birth control because that year it was some talk about the NUVA RING, she said you will be fine. Well I was on of the 9999999.8 that had a heart attack for the estrogen in that birth control.
The year I was to turn the big 40 and yes I was planning my first big birthday party red carpet and all. God had other plans and other ways for me to celebrate. I still celebrate my new life and how I got another change to share my story and talents with the world. I look at my attack as a wake up call and I was called to serve and help women. I was running from my purpose and God He always knows how to shake things up.
That is how I help women today as the Fabulous Fashionista and the CEO of Favored Fabulous & Fly Boutique LLC. I love fashion and helping women break out of their fashion comfort zone.
Has having a heart attack changed things for me. Yes! I look at things different. I share more and I just live my life in(on) purpose.
I have also learned to listen to my body and get rest when I need to get rest.
Thank you.
Lisa A Parker
Fabulous Fashionista
Heart Attack Survivor
#favfabflyboutiquellc #fabulousfashionista #heartsurvivor #WearRedDay #GoRedDay #HeartAttackSurvivor